American Supermodel & Entrepreneur
استشارات UX
يكون مستشار UX مسؤولاً عن العديد من المهام نفسها التي يقوم بها مصمم UX ، لكنها عادةً ما تكون.
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About Me
A model is a person with a role either to promote, display or advertise commercial products or to serve as a visual aid for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography. Though models are predominantly female, there are also male models, especially to model clothing.
I’m also a model. I’m from Canada, although I live in New York City now. Unlike Shudu, who’s considered a “new face,” I’ve been in the business for almost five years. I am also a futurist; I spend a lot of time researching.
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Contact With Me
Nevine Acotanza
Chief Operating OfficerI am available for freelance work. Connect with me via and call in to my account.
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